Following the end of the original series, the Power Rangers are all transformed into children by Rita's dad and their power coins are destroyed, leaving them all that way seemingly permanently. Obviously, this wasn't going to stick. Eventually they went and found the Zeo Crystal, a magic rock with the ability to restore their proper ages and their powers, and that led into Power Rangers Zeo.
In the meantime, though, we got Mighty Morphin' Alien Rangers. Realizing that Earth is vulnerable without Rangers to protect it, Zordon calls on his friends from the planet Aquitar to defend the Earth while the kid rangers search for the pieces of the Zeo Crystal.
This is where the whole thing falls apart. The idea of other planets each having their own sets of Rangers was pretty cool, but... the Aquitian Rangers themselves just aren't good characters. They're twitchy and overly formal. Their struggles to survive in their new environment were really more tedious than interesting. Worst of all, only two of them even have any real characterization at all. Delphine the White Alien Ranger gets a lot of screen time as their leader, and Cestro the Blue Alien Ranger spends a lot of time working on tech with Billy. The rest of the Alien Rangers just sort of... well, they have to be there to pilot the zords, I guess.
Also, the actual Power Rangers, aside from Billy, are all still kids so everything they do is done with the child actors, who... do I even need to say anymore? I can count on one hand the number of shows I know of where child actors did a really good job - mostly because the list consists of Avatar: The Last Airbender and nothing else.
Fortunately this season didn't last very long. There's only 10 episodes before the Aquitian Rangers go back home and we move on to Power Rangers Zeo.
Unfortunately, that's about 10 episodes too many for what is quite possibly the WORST that Power Rangers has to offer.
KR Rating: [1] HORRIBLE
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