Due to things going on, it's going to be one more oldie repost this week. Tune in next week, however, for something new!

It's Mega Man X! The first one! Again! Yes, Capcom has gone back to its roots. Anyone who says "no, they did that with Powered Up" is going to make me really angry and I'll whine and cry and storm away and you'll be left going "What! What did I say?"
The entire game has been redone, although levels and enemies are mostly the same, all the sprites have been made into 3D models, and the backgrounds, while still flat, are now beautifully rendered. The game has also had lots of plot added, with cutscenes and boss speeches. And because I know it'll make the old fans like me happy, I'd like to report that gameplay has been left the same. Also, once you beat the game you unlock a short, 20 minute anime movie about X's days as a Maverick Hunter and Sigma's descent into maverickdom.
Also, Chill Penguin apparently has the voice box of Gilbert Gottfried. (Actually Dean Galloway, but it's pretty clear who he was trying to mimic.) First Iago and now Chill Penguin... why do all birds sound like this guy? I'm beginning to suspect something.
If there is one con to this game, it's that it's very short, not to mention easy. The original Mega Man X was actually also pretty easy as Mega Man games go, and this version is easier still, so you'll likely beat it pretty fast, especially if you played the original as much as I did.
Perhaps in the hope of remedying the easiness factor, Capcom took a page out of HAL's book on extending playability by adding Vile Mode, wherein you play as X's Boba Fett lookalike enemy, Vile. However, unlike Nightmare in Dream Land's Meta Knightmare Mode, Vile Mode actually has entirely new cutscenes, redesigned levels, and a revamped upgrade system that will make it actually worth playing through all the way.
Speaking of Vile Mode, anyone who still doubts the sexual orientation of anyone involved with this series and thinks one of two of them could be straight, will be shut up right quick when they get a look at the loving detail put into Vile's ass. It's not helped by Vile's stand animation having his back to the camera when facing right (opposed to X, who turns his back when facing left, which you rarely do), meaning you'll be seeing an awful lot of Vile's ass. Don't think I'm happy about that.
In all, Capcom actually did a damn good job on this remake. I know I give Capcom crap somethings; they can tend to lose sight of their goals and get lazy. (For example, look at the huge gap in quality between Mega Man X 4 and Mega Man X 6.) However, let it never be said that they are incapable of producing quality work. When they get it right, they get it right.

It's just too bad so much of their work went into VILE'S ASS.

+ Completely redesigned graphics actually look really nice. | - A bit too short and a bit too easy. |
+ Vile Mode | - Vile's ass. |
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